History of Art Track

Students considering the History of Art Track should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for History of Art during their first year at Yale, as well as the DUS for Computing and the Arts.  The DUS for History of Art can advise students on sequences of courses to take within History of Art, substitutions that may be made, and potential project advisors.  Students interested in this track are advised to take either CPCS 112 (a or b) or CPSC 201 and an introductory History of Art course in their first year at Yale.

Always consult the Blue Book for the most accurate and up-to-date requirements and course descriptions, and on-line course listings for locations and times.


CPSC 112a or b or CPSC 100a or b.

Required Courses

CPSC 201 a or b, 202a, and 223b.  Students are advised to complete CPSC 202a and 223b by the end of the sophomore year.  MATH 244a may be substituted for CPSC 202a.

This history of art track requires the following courses in addition to the Computer Science courses listed above: (1) one introductory History of Art course: HSAR 112a or 115b; (2) one 400-level seminar in History of Art; (3) two History of Art courses at the 200, 300, or 400 level (the courses must represent two different areas as defined in the History of Art program description); (4) one studio art course (students may need to take a prerequisite course in Art to prepare for the studio course); (5) HSAR 401a or b; (6) CPSC 478b; (7) one from CPSC 437a, 475b, ir 479a; (8) one additional intermediate or advanced computer science course (excluding CPSC 490a or b).

Senior Requirement

A proposal for the Computer Science senior project is submitted to the instructor of record (currently Sohee Park) and proposal to the History of Art faculty member who will advise the project, must be submitted at the end of the junior year.  The project requires two terms: one term of CPAR 490a or b, and one term of HSAR 499a or b. 

Specific courses for freshman interested in this track to consider:

     HSAR     112     1     Intro Hist Art: Prehist to Renssnce

     CPSC     112     1     Introduction to Programming

     CPSC     201     1     Intro to Computer Science

     CPSC     202     1     Mathematical Tools for Computer Science